Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam Dynamische stad -
Dynamic City)
: Cas Oorthuys, Frits Rotgans, Rob 't Hart, Daria Scagliola, Maarten
Joop Reyngoud, Thijs Wolzak. Gemeentelijke Archiefdienst Rotterdam.
Text : Jan Oudenaarden
Design : Rick Vermeulen
ISBN 90-72971-37-X (Dutch)
90-72971-38-8 (English)
Copies printed : 2250 (Dutch Edition) ~ 750 (English Edition)
Dfl. 145,-
Size : 29 x 31cm
'Kop van Zuid' refers to a part of Rotterdam on the left bank of
the Maas which developed from an agricultural area into a ultramodern
Rotterdam city centre, directly connected with the heart of the
city through the new Erasmus bridge. This photo book gives a fascinating
and informative image of the development of this part of town. The
volume truely forms a photographic monument for a monumental part
of Rotterdam.